
IMG_6274Hello! I am a language educator, wannabe cat lady, earth warrior, self-seeker, and recovering black thumb.

Originally from Portland, OR, I’ve lived in multiple places across America in the last several years, including Honolulu, Northern Virginia, and now Milwaukee. I also lived in Akita, Japan for three years while I was teaching English to high school students. It was there I cultivated passions for new things – Murakami novels, tempura, calligraphy, and the English language. I have always loved words for what they tell us about other people and about ourselves. That’s why I went into the field of English language pedagogy, so I could help other people to find their voices in English and to empower the under-empowered.

I can often be found practicing my grandma skills – crocheting, tending to houseplants, doing a puzzle, practicing yoga, writing, reading, and sometimes making paper cranes.

You can also find me on Instagram (@orientsunset). Let’s connect!

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